Honey Guide Bird!!!

Honeyguide birds are a group of near passerine birds in the order Piciformes. They are also known as indicator birds, or honey birds, although the latter term is also used more narrowly to refer to species of the genus Prodotiscus. They have an Old World tropical distribution, with the greatest number of species in Africa and two in Asia. These birds are best known for their interaction with humans.

Greater Honeyguide

In Africa , where these birds have largest population, the birds guide the tribal people to the tree where honeybees have made their hive inside the hollows of the tree trunks. Researchers say that this relationship between humans and the birds is very old and mutually beneficial. The raw honey is a part of diet of tribes in Africa. The bird guides them to the beehive so that they get honey and then it eats the wax and the larvae left by the human beings.

Some species of honey guide birds are Greater Honey Guide, scaly throated honey guide, lesser honey guide, and yellow Rumped honey guides. In addition to the honey guides there are some other birds like barbet which help humans.

Scaly throated honey guide

Use of recorded bird calls:

Often, the people who are into bird photography, many a times make use of the recorded calls of the birds to bring them near and take pictures. Although this practice is not recommended by many experts. They say it is unethical. I don’t agree. Only thing is caution.

Some of the birds which respond to the recorded calls are Jacobin Cuckoo, spotted Owlets, Indian Pitta, Blue Jays, chickadees, woodpeckers, wren warblers.

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